001/** 002 * Logback: the reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework. 003 * Copyright (C) 1999-2015, QOS.ch. All rights reserved. 004 * 005 * This program and the accompanying materials are dual-licensed under 006 * either the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 as published by 007 * the Eclipse Foundation 008 * 009 * or (per the licensee's choosing) 010 * 011 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 012 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. 013 */ 014package ch.qos.logback.core; 015 016import java.nio.charset.Charset; 017import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; 018 019public class CoreConstants { 020 021 final public static String DISABLE_SERVLET_CONTAINER_INITIALIZER_KEY = "logbackDisableServletContainerInitializer"; 022 final public static String STATUS_LISTENER_CLASS_KEY = "logback.statusListenerClass"; 023 final public static String SYSOUT = "SYSOUT"; 024 025 final public static String STDOUT = "STDOUT"; 026 027 /** 028 * Number of idle threads to retain in a context's executor service. 029 */ 030 public static final int CORE_POOL_SIZE = 4; 031 032 // In Java 21 and later the actual threads are assumed to be virtual 033 public static final int SCHEDULED_EXECUTOR_POOL_SIZE = 4; 034 035 /** 036 * Maximum number of threads to allow in a context's executor service. 037 * @deprecated no longer used 038 * 039 */ 040 public static final int MAX_POOL_SIZE = 32; 041 042 // Note that the line.separator property can be looked up even by 043 // applets. 044 public static final String LINE_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty("line.separator"); 045 public static final int LINE_SEPARATOR_LEN = LINE_SEPARATOR.length(); 046 047 public static final String CODES_URL = "https://logback.qos.ch/codes.html"; 048 public static final String MANUAL_URL_PREFIX = "https://logback.qos.ch/manual/"; 049 public static final String MORE_INFO_PREFIX = "For more information, please visit "; 050 051 /** 052 * The default context name. 053 */ 054 public static final String DEFAULT_CONTEXT_NAME = "default"; 055 056 /** 057 * Customized pattern conversion rules are stored under this key in the 058 * {@link Context} object store. 059 * 060 * @since 1.5.14 061 */ 062 public static final String PATTERN_RULE_REGISTRY_FOR_SUPPLIERS = "PATTERN_RULE_REGISTRY_FOR_SUPPLIERS"; 063 064 /** 065 * Customized pattern conversion rules are stored under this key in the 066 * {@link Context} object store. 067 */ 068 public static final String PATTERN_RULE_REGISTRY = "PATTERN_RULE_REGISTRY"; 069 070 071 072 public static final String ISO8601_STR = "ISO8601"; 073 public static final String ISO8601_PATTERN = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS"; 074 075 /** 076 * Keyword for setting a strict ISO8601 pattern which includes 'T' between the date and the time 077 * 078 * @since 1.5.7 079 */ 080 public static final String STRICT_STR = "STRICT"; 081 /** 082 * Strict ISO8601 pattern which includes 'T' between the date and the time 083 * @since 15.7 084 */ 085 public static final String STRICT_ISO8601_PATTERN = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss,SSS"; 086 087 088 public static final String FILE_TIMESTAMP_PATTERN = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HHmm"; 089 public static final String DAILY_DATE_PATTERN = "yyyy-MM-dd"; 090 091 /** 092 * Time format used in Common Log Format 093 */ 094 public static final String CLF_DATE_PATTERN = "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z"; 095 096 /** 097 * The key used in locating the evaluator map in context's object map. 098 */ 099 public static final String EVALUATOR_MAP = "EVALUATOR_MAP"; 100 101 /** 102 * Key used to locate a map Files used by FileAppender instances in context's 103 * object map. 104 * 105 * Said map consists of entries of the type (appender name, File option) 106 */ 107 public static final String FA_FILENAME_COLLISION_MAP = "FA_FILENAMES_MAP"; 108 109 /** 110 * Key used to locate a collision map for RollingFileAppender instances in 111 * context's object map. 112 * 113 * The collision map consists of entities of the type (appender name, 114 * FileNamePattern option) 115 */ 116 public static final String RFA_FILENAME_PATTERN_COLLISION_MAP = "RFA_FILENAME_PATTERN_COLLISION_MAP"; 117 118 /** 119 * By convention, we assume that the static method named "valueOf" taking a 120 * string argument can restore a given object from its string representation. 121 */ 122 public static final String VALUE_OF = "valueOf"; 123 124 /** 125 * An empty string. 126 */ 127 public static final String EMPTY_STRING = ""; 128 129 /** 130 * String value returned in case data is not available. 131 * 132 * For example, when caller information is not available this constant is used for file name, 133 * method name, etc. 134 */ 135 public static final String NA = "?"; 136 137 /** 138 * An empty string array. 139 */ 140 public static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = new String[] {}; 141 142 public static final Charset UTF_8_CHARSET = StandardCharsets.UTF_8; 143 144 /** 145 * An empty Class array. 146 */ 147 public static final Class<?>[] EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY = new Class[] {}; 148 public static final String CAUSED_BY = "Caused by: "; 149 public static final String SUPPRESSED = "Suppressed: "; 150 public static final String WRAPPED_BY = "Wrapped by: "; 151 152 public static final char PERCENT_CHAR = '%'; 153 public static final char LEFT_PARENTHESIS_CHAR = '('; 154 public static final char RIGHT_PARENTHESIS_CHAR = ')'; 155 156 public static final char ESCAPE_CHAR = '\\'; 157 public static final char CURLY_LEFT = '{'; 158 public static final char CURLY_RIGHT = '}'; 159 public static final char COMMA_CHAR = ','; 160 public static final char DOUBLE_QUOTE_CHAR = '"'; 161 public static final char SINGLE_QUOTE_CHAR = '\''; 162 public static final char COLON_CHAR = ':'; 163 public static final char DASH_CHAR = '-'; 164 public static final char EQUALS_CHAR = '='; 165 166 public static final String DEFAULT_VALUE_SEPARATOR = ":-"; 167 168 public static final String NULL_STR = "null"; 169 /** 170 * Number of rows before in an HTML table before, we close the table and create 171 * a new one 172 */ 173 public static final int TABLE_ROW_LIMIT = 10000; 174 175 // reset the ObjectOutputStream every OOS_RESET_FREQUENCY calls 176 // this avoids serious memory leaks 177 public static final int OOS_RESET_FREQUENCY = 70; 178 179 // See https://jakarta.ee/specifications/platform/8/platform-spec-8.html#a616 180 // there are the java:comp, java:module, java:app, java:global namespaces 181 public static final String JNDI_JAVA_NAMESPACE = "java:"; 182 183 // the max number of times an error should be reported 184 public static final int MAX_ERROR_COUNT = 4; 185 186 public static final char DOT = '.'; 187 public static final char TAB = '\t'; 188 public static final char DOLLAR = '$'; 189 190 public static final String SEE_FNP_NOT_SET = "See also " + CODES_URL + "#tbr_fnp_not_set"; 191 public static final String SEE_MISSING_INTEGER_TOKEN = "See also " + CODES_URL + "#sat_missing_integer_token"; 192 193 public static final String CONFIGURATION_WATCH_LIST = "CONFIGURATION_WATCH_LIST"; 194 public static final String CONFIGURATION_WATCH_LIST_RESET_X = "CONFIGURATION_WATCH_LIST_RESET"; 195 196 public static final String SAFE_JORAN_CONFIGURATION = "SAFE_JORAN_CONFIGURATION"; 197 public static final String XML_PARSING = "XML_PARSING"; 198 199 // Context Object name for the shutdown hook 200 public static final String SHUTDOWN_HOOK_THREAD = "SHUTDOWN_HOOK"; 201 202 /** 203 * The key under which the local host name is registered in the logger context. 204 */ 205 public static final String HOSTNAME_KEY = "HOSTNAME"; 206 207 public static final String UNKNOWN_LOCALHOST = "UNKNOWN_LOCALHOST"; 208 209 /** 210 * context. 211 */ 212 public static final String CONTEXT_NAME_KEY = "CONTEXT_NAME"; 213 214 public static final int BYTES_PER_INT = 4; 215 public static final long MILLIS_IN_ONE_SECOND = 1000; 216 public static final long MILLIS_IN_ONE_MINUTE = MILLIS_IN_ONE_SECOND * 60; 217 public static final long MILLIS_IN_ONE_HOUR = MILLIS_IN_ONE_MINUTE * 60; 218 public static final long MILLIS_IN_ONE_DAY = MILLIS_IN_ONE_HOUR * 24; 219 public static final long MILLIS_IN_ONE_WEEK = MILLIS_IN_ONE_DAY * 7; 220 221 /** 222 * The number of seconds to wait for compression jobs to finish. 223 */ 224 public static final int SECONDS_TO_WAIT_FOR_COMPRESSION_JOBS = 30; 225 226 public static final String CONTEXT_SCOPE_VALUE = "context"; 227 228 public static final String RESET_MSG_PREFIX = "Will reset and reconfigure context "; 229 230 public static final String JNDI_COMP_PREFIX = "java:comp/env"; 231 232 public static final String UNDEFINED_PROPERTY_SUFFIX = "_IS_UNDEFINED"; 233 234 public static final String LEFT_ACCOLADE = new String(new char[] { CURLY_LEFT }); 235 public static final String RIGHT_ACCOLADE = new String(new char[] { CURLY_RIGHT }); 236 public static final long UNBOUNDED_TOTAL_SIZE_CAP = 0; 237 238 /** 239 * If Rolling 240 */ 241 public static final int UNBOUNDED_HISTORY = 0; 242 243 /** 244 * Replaced by {@link CoreConstants#UNBOUNDED_HISTORY} with the same identical value. 245 246 * @deprecated 247 * @see #UNBOUNDED_HISTORY 248 */ 249 public static final int UNBOUND_HISTORY = UNBOUNDED_HISTORY; 250 251 //public static final String RECONFIGURE_ON_CHANGE_TASK = "RECONFIGURE_ON_CHANGE_TASK"; 252 public static final String SIZE_AND_TIME_BASED_FNATP_IS_DEPRECATED = "SizeAndTimeBasedFileNamingAndTriggeringPolicy is deprecated. Use SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy instead"; 253 254 public static final char JSON_LINE_SEPARATOR = '\n'; 255 final public static String MODEL_CONFIG_FILE_EXTENSION = ".scmo"; 256 /** 257 * since 1.5.8 258 */ 259 final public static String PROPERTIES_FILE_EXTENSION = ".properties"; 260 public static final String LOGBACK_CORE_VERSION_MESSAGE = "This is logback-core version "; 261}