002 * Logback: the reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework.
003 * Copyright (C) 1999-2015, QOS.ch. All rights reserved.
004 *
005 * This program and the accompanying materials are dual-licensed under
006 * either the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 as published by
007 * the Eclipse Foundation
008 *
009 *   or (per the licensee's choosing)
010 *
011 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
012 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
013 */
014package ch.qos.logback.classic.net;
016import ch.qos.logback.classic.ClassicConstants;
017import ch.qos.logback.classic.PatternLayout;
018import ch.qos.logback.classic.boolex.OnErrorEvaluator;
019import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.ILoggingEvent;
020import ch.qos.logback.core.Layout;
021import ch.qos.logback.core.boolex.EventEvaluator;
022import ch.qos.logback.core.helpers.CyclicBuffer;
023import ch.qos.logback.core.net.SMTPAppenderBase;
025import java.util.List;
026import java.util.concurrent.Future;
028import org.slf4j.Marker;
031 * Send an e-mail when a specific logging event occurs, typically on errors or
032 * fatal errors.
033 * 
034 * For more information about this appender, please refer to the online manual
035 * at http://logback.qos.ch/manual/appenders.html#SMTPAppender
036 * 
037 * @author Ceki Gülcü
038 * @author Sébastien Pennec
039 * 
040 */
041public class SMTPAppender extends SMTPAppenderBase<ILoggingEvent> {
043    // value "%logger{20} - %m" is referenced in the docs!
044    static final String DEFAULT_SUBJECT_PATTERN = "%logger{20} - %m";
046    private boolean includeCallerData = false;
048    /**
049     * The default constructor will instantiate the appender with a
050     * {@link EventEvaluator} that will trigger on events with level ERROR or
051     * higher.
052     */
053    public SMTPAppender() {
055    }
057    public void start() {
058        if (eventEvaluator == null) {
059            OnErrorEvaluator onError = new OnErrorEvaluator();
060            onError.setContext(getContext());
061            onError.setName("onError");
062            onError.start();
063            this.eventEvaluator = onError;
064        }
065        super.start();
066    }
068    /**
069     * Use the parameter as the {@link EventEvaluator} for this SMTPAppender.
070     */
071    public SMTPAppender(EventEvaluator<ILoggingEvent> eventEvaluator) {
072        this.eventEvaluator = eventEvaluator;
073    }
075    /**
076     * Perform SMTPAppender specific appending actions, mainly adding the event to a
077     * cyclic buffer.
078     */
079    protected void subAppend(CyclicBuffer<ILoggingEvent> cb, ILoggingEvent event) {
080        if (includeCallerData) {
081            event.getCallerData();
082        }
083        event.prepareForDeferredProcessing();
084        cb.add(event);
085    }
087    @Override
088    protected void fillBuffer(CyclicBuffer<ILoggingEvent> cb, StringBuffer sbuf) {
089        int len = cb.length();
090        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
091            ILoggingEvent event = cb.get();
092            sbuf.append(layout.doLayout(event));
093        }
094    }
096    protected boolean eventMarksEndOfLife(ILoggingEvent eventObject) {
097        List<Marker> markers = eventObject.getMarkerList();
098        if (markers == null || markers.isEmpty())
099            return false;
101        for (Marker marker : markers) {
102            if (marker.contains(ClassicConstants.FINALIZE_SESSION_MARKER)) {
103                return true;
104            }
105        }
106        return false;
107    }
109    @Override
110    protected Layout<ILoggingEvent> makeSubjectLayout(String subjectStr) {
111        if (subjectStr == null) {
112            subjectStr = DEFAULT_SUBJECT_PATTERN;
113        }
114        PatternLayout pl = new PatternLayout();
115        pl.setContext(getContext());
116        pl.setPattern(subjectStr);
117        // we don't want a ThrowableInformationConverter appended
118        // to the end of the converter chain
119        // This fixes issue LBCLASSIC-67
120        pl.setPostCompileProcessor(null);
121        pl.start();
122        return pl;
123    }
125    protected PatternLayout makeNewToPatternLayout(String toPattern) {
126        PatternLayout pl = new PatternLayout();
127        pl.setPattern(toPattern + "%nopex");
128        return pl;
129    }
131    public boolean isIncludeCallerData() {
132        return includeCallerData;
133    }
135    public void setIncludeCallerData(boolean includeCallerData) {
136        this.includeCallerData = includeCallerData;
137    }
139    Future<?> getAsynchronousSendingFuture() {
140        return asynchronousSendingFuture;
141    }