001/** 002 * Logback: the reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework. 003 * Copyright (C) 1999-2015, QOS.ch. All rights reserved. 004 * 005 * This program and the accompanying materials are dual-licensed under 006 * either the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 as published by 007 * the Eclipse Foundation 008 * 009 * or (per the licensee's choosing) 010 * 011 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 012 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. 013 */ 014package ch.qos.logback.access.common.pattern; 015 016import java.util.List; 017 018import ch.qos.logback.access.common.spi.IAccessEvent; 019import ch.qos.logback.core.CoreConstants; 020 021public class FullResponseConverter extends AccessConverter { 022 023 @Override 024 public String convert(IAccessEvent ae) { 025 StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); 026 027 buf.append("HTTP/1.1 "); 028 int statusCode = ae.getStatusCode(); 029 buf.append(statusCode); 030 buf.append(" "); 031 buf.append(getStatusCodeDescription(statusCode)); 032 buf.append(CoreConstants.LINE_SEPARATOR); 033 034 List<String> hnList = ae.getResponseHeaderNameList(); 035 for (String headerName : hnList) { 036 buf.append(headerName); 037 buf.append(": "); 038 buf.append(ae.getResponseHeader(headerName)); 039 buf.append(CoreConstants.LINE_SEPARATOR); 040 } 041 buf.append(CoreConstants.LINE_SEPARATOR); 042 buf.append(ae.getResponseContent()); 043 buf.append(CoreConstants.LINE_SEPARATOR); 044 return buf.toString(); 045 } 046 047 static String getStatusCodeDescription(int sc) { 048 switch (sc) { 049 case 200: 050 return "OK"; 051 case 201: 052 return "Created"; 053 case 202: 054 return "Accepted"; 055 case 203: 056 return "Non-Authoritative Information"; 057 case 204: 058 return "No Content"; 059 case 205: 060 return "Reset Content"; 061 case 206: 062 return "Partial Content"; 063 case 300: 064 return "Multiple Choices"; 065 case 301: 066 return "Moved Permanently"; 067 case 302: 068 return "Found"; 069 case 303: 070 return "See Other"; 071 case 304: 072 return "Not Modified"; 073 case 305: 074 return "Use Proxy"; 075 case 306: 076 return "(Unused)"; 077 case 307: 078 return "Temporary Redirect"; 079 case 400: 080 return "Bad Request"; 081 case 401: 082 return "Unauthorized"; 083 case 402: 084 return "Payment Required"; 085 case 403: 086 return "Forbidden"; 087 case 404: 088 return "Not Found"; 089 case 405: 090 return "Method Not Allowed"; 091 case 406: 092 return "Not Acceptable"; 093 case 407: 094 return "Proxy Authentication Required"; 095 case 408: 096 return "Request Timeout"; 097 case 409: 098 return "Conflict"; 099 case 410: 100 return "Gone"; 101 case 411: 102 return "Length Required"; 103 case 412: 104 return "Precondition Failed"; 105 case 413: 106 return "Request Entity Too Large"; 107 case 414: 108 return "Request-URI Too Long"; 109 case 415: 110 return "Unsupported Media Type"; 111 case 416: 112 return "Requested Range Not Satisfiable"; 113 case 417: 114 return "Expectation Failed"; 115 case 500: 116 return "Internal Server Error"; 117 case 501: 118 return "Not Implemented"; 119 case 502: 120 return "Bad Gateway"; 121 case 503: 122 return "Service Unavailable"; 123 case 504: 124 return "Gateway Timeout"; 125 case 505: 126 return "HTTP Version Not Supported"; 127 default: 128 return "NA"; 129 } 130 } 131}