Package ch.qos.logback.classic.spi
Interface Configurator
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
Allows programmatic initialization and configuration of Logback. The
ServiceLoader is typically used to instantiate implementations and thus
implementations will need to follow the guidelines of the ServiceLoader
specifically a no-arg constructor is required.
The return type of
was changed from 'void' to
{@link ExecutionStatus) in logback version 1.3.0.-
Nested Class Summary
Nested Classes -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionconfigure
(LoggerContext loggerContext) The context will also be set before this method is called viaContextAware.setContext(ch.qos.logback.core.Context)
.Methods inherited from interface ch.qos.logback.core.spi.ContextAware
addError, addError, addInfo, addInfo, addStatus, addWarn, addWarn, getContext, setContext
Method Details
The context will also be set before this method is called viaContextAware.setContext(ch.qos.logback.core.Context)