Package ch.qos.logback.classic.pattern
package ch.qos.logback.classic.pattern
Provides classes implementing format specifiers in conversion patterns.
ClassDescriptionAn interface used for abbreviating strings according to different policies.This converter outputs caller data depending on depth or depth range and marker data.This class serves the super-class of all converters in logback.This abbreviator returns the class name from a fully qualified class name, removing the leading package name.Converts an event to the logger context's name.Convert the contents of
list to a String.Return the event's level.A converters based on a locally incremented sequence number.Return the event's marker value(s).Return the event's formatted message.Outputs the number of microseconds of the timestamp.In case abbreviation service is requested, NamedConverter will convert fully qualified class names to their abbreviated from.Always returns an empty string.Return the event's sequence number.Return the events thread (usually the current thread).Converter which handle throwables should be derived from this class.Add a stack trace in case the event contains a Throwable.